söndag 10 juni 2012

Media Technology bachelor's theses spring 2012

I wrote a blog post recently about the five bachelor's theses that I have been the advisor of during the spring. This is the complementary blog post about the ten bachelor's thesis that I was the examiner of (only nine a listed below - the tenth is not finished yet and is a special case).

Being the examiner means that I read them quite carefully and prepared constructive critique as well as later also grading them. These theses (below) however only represent 1/3 of the theses that our students wrote this spring - so the title of this blog post is slightly misrepresentative.

I will later update this blog post and add links to the theses (they will all be published on the web - eventually). I especially liked the first four thesis below, they are more-or-less impeccably done and for the most part represent all you can ask for in a bachelor's thesis.

- Cedergren & Hellman, "Smartphone applications: The future tool for vocabulary learning?". Abstract. Thesis (pdf file).

- Florell & Berg, "Automatisk incheckning för att förenkla kontakt i större organisationer" ["Automated check in to aid communication at large organizations"]. Abstract. Thesis (pdf file).

- Andersson & Dawoud, "Supplementary video lectures and open educational resources in contemporary university mathematicsAbstract. Thesis (pdf file).

- Hammarbäck & Höglund, "Mattespel - vägen till bättre matematikundervisning? En studie på effekterna av spelifierade matematikläromedel för gymnasieskolan" ["Math games - Towards a better math education?: A study of the effects of gamified math education for upper high school"]. Abstract. Thesis (pdf file).


- Andersson & Jonell, "Utveckling av ett motiverande gränssnitt för inlärning: motivations- och prestationsaspekter" ["Developing a motivating interface for learning: aspects of motivation and performance"]. Abstract. Thesis (pdf file).

- Juntti & Lilja, "Föreläsningsbaserade interaktiva Sceencasts" ["Lecture-based interactive screencasts"]. Abstract. Thesis (pdf file).

- Hernandez & Huanca, "Användarstudie av mobila textmeddelandesystem" ["User study of mobile applications for text messaging"]. Abstract. Thesis (pdf file).

- Bergsmark & Nothnagel, "Virtuell handel i onlinespel ur spelares perspektiv" ["Real-Money-Trade in online games from the player's perspective"]. Abstract. Thesis (pdf file).

- Janarv & Warne, "New incentives for players in virtual goods trade: How the marketplace in Diablo 3 changes trade with virtual goods". Abstract. Thesis (pdf file).

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